Name:  Colin Bell
Squad Number:  7
Why this number?:  I lived at house No 7 when I was 7 years of age and at the same time my classroom number was No7! I have always thought of it as my lucky number!
Position/s:  Right wing/left wing but I have also played both defence positions in league games.
Left or Right shooter:  Left
Previous Clubs:  Glenrothes 6 games in the summer league 2002. Points for them - 6 , 3 goals + 3 assists!  
Age:  40 will be 41 on June 26th 2004!  
How long have you played floorball?:  3 years but played unihoc for 1 year before that.  
Career Honours:  None yet!  
Favourite Northern League Player:  There are too many to mention.  
Additional Information:  I have started my 9 year old daughter playing the sport. I am keen to see the sport develop both for her and other youngsters.